Join us for the 2017 NAPHA Annual Conference and Clinic!
March 31 and April 1, 2017 in Pawling, NY

We will be in the New York area this year with plans for an awesome conference and clinic that you won’t want to miss!  We have very special rates this year – but time is short so -MAKE YOUR PLANS TO JOIN US NOW!

The annual meeting on Friday, March 31, 2017, is at WESTVIEW FARM, located at 869 Old Quaker Hill Road, in Pawling, NY.  Friday will consist of a review of 2016, a RAC meeting, and developing a strategic plan with obtainable goals.  This meeting is open to all current NAPHA members, and we encourage you to come and participate with your questions and suggestions.  This is the perfect opportunity to meet people involved with this breed, ask questions, learn about our organization and horses, and participate in helping our breed grow.

On Friday evening, we will be holding a special recognition banquet. As in the past, the purpose of the banquet is to allow us to honor members who have made outstanding contributions to our breed. At this year’s banquet will honor the remarkable on-going achievements of Mike & Linda Mewhinney. We will also honor the contributions, memories and legacies of Bob & Karen Calentine, Dick & Judy Sisson and Sonja Wirth.

On Saturday, April 1, we will be returning to WESTVIEW FARM for a clinic which will include much valuable information and hands-on demonstrations. Eduardo Risso Montes will be our keynote speaker.

Registration fees are as follows:

Friday meeting – $50.00
Friday Dinner – $30
Saturday Clinic – $100

Members who sign up for all three events will receive a discounted price of $150.

For your convenience you may sign up on the NAPHA website –

Or contact the NAPHA office to register for the meeting and clinic – (707) 544-5807
[email protected]

Hilton Garden Inn
119 Mill Plane Rd
Danbury, Ct 06811

The group code is NAPHA. Our confirmation number is 3298527276.  Rooms must be booked by March 9, 2017 for the group rate. After this date, standard rates apply.

GO Connecticut Airport Shuttle is the leading Shared Ride Transportation Company in Connecticut providing the convenience of Door-to-Door Service between LaGuardia and John F. Kennedy Airports and Connecticut.
Please contact them through the link below to make your arrangements. The cost is $79.00 one way with a $4.00 discount if you book the round trip.

The NAPHA BOD would like to provide those of you who are flying in with some information to make your travel plans a bit easier to make.

WESTVIEW FARM is located at 869 Old Quaker Hill Road, in Pawling, NY and there are several ways for you to get there.

The fastest and closest way, once you are on the ground, is to fly into Westchester County Airport, in White Plains, NY, rent a car and drive 45 minutes to Westview Farm. However, this does require a stop-over in Chicago and the entire trip, with the lay-over, is about 7 hours from LAX.

The next fastest, and most direct route, is to fly direct into La Guardia Airport in Queens NY, rent a car, and drive 1hour and 68 miles to Westview Farm right up Route 95 N. to Rt. 684. However, depending when you arrive, you may hit traffic going north out of the city.

The next alternative is to fly direct into JFK Airport, rent a car, and drive 2 hours and 73 miles to Westview Farm, right up Route 95 N to Rt 684. Of course, the same thing applies to the city traffic going north.

The last alternative is to fly into Newark International Airport, in NJ, rent a car and travel 1 hour and 43 min and 88 miles North on Rt. 95. This may take a bit longer but there is no need to travel through NYC or deal with the commuter traffic going north. If you do not want to deal with the city then this would be your best choice.

More information will be provided on this service as we get closer to the date and we have a better idea just how many people will be attending. We are hoping that once you are at the hotel, those of us who are driving in will be able to accommodate riders to and from Westview and the hotel.

We look forward to seeing you soon!

Your NAPHA Board of Directors

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