Dear fellow NAPHA members,

I look forward to serving as your NAPHA president for 2020. I would like to thank Eddie Gandy for her hard work and devotion to the breed as well as all the 2019 board members. A special thank-you to Horacio Santos and Gene Pepe for their time and continued support. Also, WELCOME to Heidi Opdyke and José Vásquez.

Our first order of business is financial stability. The largest money producer for NAPHA has consistently been the national show. Unfortunately, for 2019 we came in 60 percent under past years’ earnings. This year’s budget is crafted to address that. I ask all members to support Nationals in any way they can, from exhibiting to sponsoring to promoting. We are excited to showcase our fantastic horses at the Oklahoma State Fair September 25-27 2020.

Naomi Scull will continue to provide services to members. She is a kind, courteous and cost-effective employee for NAPHA. The board deeply appreciates her skills and dedication to our breed.

Our website and online store are being updated to improve communications, security and administrative functions for members. Please bookmark it and check in often to current on information about events and issues.

An educational annual meeting is in the works for this spring; please check the website and Facebook as well as future electronic newsletters for updates. To facilitate that feedback and improve communication, we will build out our Regional Advisory Committee. The expertise and dedication of those volunteers is a critical support to the continued success of our breed.

The board encourages your feedback on how we can expand our market for and promotion of our horses beyond showing, trail certification and Recreational Riding. You’re also welcomed to reach out to me individually. I respect your thoughts and your time, so I will be clear, respectful and direct in my communications with you. You can reach me at [email protected] or 303-887-6070.

Thank you all for your continued support of NAPHA. We appreciate your support as we move forward.


Mark Renn