Live stream Format:

The theme of the live stream will be “Reintroducing the Peruvian Horse to North America”….

The live stream will consist of approximately 80 segments. A segment can be a show class, interviews, ranch videos and general interest documentaries.

In order to make the live stream entertaining and interesting, we will have a team of two anchors in the announcer’s booth at all times.

We want to show that the Peruvian paso horse is well spread out thru the Americas with a vibrant and fun show circuit that spans from Argentina, Peru, Central America, Canada and the USA. Showcasing the best ranches around the world will convey a fun, positive and entertaining activity that can be attractive and enjoyed by many.

We will broadcast to the following live stream feeds. NAPHA Webpage, 3-2-1 Action Video, Facebook Live,, other horse related open channels.

We are very excited to announce the 2017 Live stream event has been fully sponsored by ranches and associations in several countries!

For more information, please contact Horacio Santos: [email protected]

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