These are the committees who serve NAPHA and NAPHA members. If you have questions concerning the following areas, please do not hesitate to email or call your committee representatives.  They will be happy to help you. Each term is a three year term, with the exception of the Registration Committee whose terms are five year terms.  Committee Descriptions

2018 Revisions Approved by the NAPHA Board of Directors.

Committees Updated 3/1/2022


1. Committee Chairs are responsible for setting meeting dates. If the Chair is not available, the Co-Chair or a majority of the committee may call a meeting.

2. All committee members must be notified of a meeting at least 14 days prior to the meeting. Notification may be by electronic communications.

3. Ten days prior to a meeting, committee members must be given an opportunity to place items on the agenda for discussion. A call for agenda items must be sent to committee members and the Executive Director at least ten days prior to the meeting, in order to get feed back on items to be placed on the agenda.

4. All committee members must be provided the Set Agenda for the meeting at least seven days in advance of the meeting. Participants must know what is going to be discussed in a meeting in order to come to the meeting prepared to participate. Anything not listed on the agenda can not be discussed, as committee members will not have been given an opportunity to do their own research into items to be considered.

5. Approved minutes from committee meetings must be emailed to the NAPHA office for filing.

6. Committees must meet at least once a year, but may meet more often, if needed.

7. Large committees are difficult to administer; especially phone conferences, therefore, committees must be limited to committee members and anyone else as designated by the NAPHA Bylaws. All committees are charged with specific duties and must have the opportunity to work through issues in committee meetings.

8. All committee members must be given the opportunity to participate and enter into open discussions without fear of ridicule from other members or the chair of the committee.

9. In an effort to ensure that our members are correctly and appropriately informed we ask that you verify the validity of information that is to be distributed with the source of that information or with the office.

10. Policy on Fundraising: Peruvian Horse owners are solicited quite often and at every level for funds to support their clubs, committee projects, for NAPHA, and for the NAPHA Foundation. This policy is put in place to minimize confusion of fund raising goals or having multiple requests come out of NAPHA which are competing with the same individuals. Therefore, any NAPHA committee that wants to embark upon fund raising must submit to the Board its proposal and strategy for doing so and must have the approval from the Board to go forward.

Registration Committee

Purpose: To establish and maintain a Registry for Peruvian Horses and also a Registry for Part-Blood Peruvian Horses.

Membership: “ NAPHA shall establish a Registration Committee consisting of five members.” (As defined by the North American Peruvian Horse Association bylaws, Article 9.1)

Duties: A. “The Committee will be charged with establishing and maintaining a Registry for horses of pure blood Peruvian horses under rules ands regulations established and promulgated by the Registration Committee and approved by the Board of Directors. A separate Registry for Part-Blood Peruvian horses may be established…” (As defined by the North American Peruvian Horse Association bylaws, Article 9.2)

B. “The Registration Committee will have the authority to change the rules and Regulations in both the pureblood and part-blood registries of NAPHA. Said rules must be approved by a minimum vote of five of the seven members of the Board of Directors.” (As defined by the North American Peruvian Horse Association bylaws, Article 9.3)

C. “The Registration Committee, in conjunction with the Board of Directors, shall be responsible to ensure that the NAPHA rules and regulations for the registration of horses are enforced to maintain the highest level of accuracy in the registration of the Peruvian Horse in North America.” (As defined by the North American Peruvian Horse Association bylaws, Article 9.3)

D. “The Registration Committee and Board of Directors shall be empowered to monitor, review and adjudicate disputes concerning the accuracy of registrations, the transfer of registrations, the issuance of registration papers and the conduct of members with regard to registration of Peruvian horses with NAPHA.” (As defined by the North American Peruvian Horse Association bylaws, Article 9.3)

E. “The Registration Committee shall be empowered to investigate violations of NAPHA rules and regulations for registering horses and access sanctions for violations. Any such sanctions shall be ratified by at least five members of the Board of Directors.” (As defined by the North American Peruvian Horse Association bylaws, Article 9.3)

F. “The Registration Committee will recommend to the Board of Directors, a person or persons to be hired as Registrar and staff to facilitate the registration of horses. All staff dealing with registration must be nominated by a vote of at least four of the five members of the Registration Committee. A nominee must be approved by at least four of the seven members of the Board of Directors.” (As defined by the North American Peruvian Horse Association bylaws, Article 9.4)

G. “ The Registration Committee shall establish the fee structure for registration procedures and other sources of income related to the registration process to be approved by majority vote of the Board of Directors.” (As defined by the North American Peruvian Horse Association bylaws, Article 9.5)

Chair: Horacio Santos

Board Liaison: Lucho Dapelo

Edie Gandy
Chris Austin
Bonnie Gallegos

Show Rules Committee

Purpose: To provide guidance and direction to the Board of Directors regarding changes and/or additions to the rules for showing of Peruvian Horses for NAPHA

Membership: At least five members, but may have more members as deemed needed by the NAPHA Board of Directors.

Duties: (1) To review the NAPHA show rules and make recommendations to the Board of Directors as to changes and/or additions to the approved show rules for NAPHA. (2) To submit those suggested changes to the Board of Directors in writing so that the current rule is shown with the new recommendation adjacent to it. This format will allow for the understanding of the rule change recommendation. (3) To submit those suggested changes to the Board of Directors at the first week of October, of each year, for potential implementation for the following year.

Chair: Bonnie Gallegos

Board Liaison: Juvy Pina

Brian Mclaughlin
Nick Breaux-Fujita
Kelly Powers

Membership Committee

Chair: Rebecca Dubois

Board Liaison: Paul Opdyke

Debbie Lloyd

Judges Accreditation Committee

Purpose: To provide guidance and direction to the Board of Directors in setting policy and procedures for carding NAPHA judges and stewards.

Membership: At least five members, but may have more members as deemed needed by the NAPHA Board of Directors.

Duties: (1) To advise the Board of Directors on the accreditation of judges and stewards for NAPHA approved shows. (2) To recommend criteria to the Board of Directors for initial carding, renewal of cards, and promotion of carded judges and stewards. (3) To assist the Board of Directors in establishing educational seminars for judges and stewards.

Chair: Mimi Downey

Board Liaison: Lucho Dapelo

Horacio Santos

Nicholas Breaux

Chris Austin

Irene Taylor

Finance Committee

Chair: Chris Austin

Board Liaison: Mike Powers

Treasurer: Bonnie Gallegos

Bookkeeper: Becky Oley

Marketing Committee

Chair: Antonio Figuerola

Board Liaison: Silvia Gomez-Silva

Advisory Council

Danell Adams – Chairman

Board Liaison: Mike Powers

Leigh Anderson

Donny Hurwitz

Elizabeth Potof

Joy Gould

Kathleen Morrison

Mike Moszer

Nicole Brass

Pete Arnold

Lori Harrison

Jim LaRue

Penny Clayton

Recreational Riding (JOR) Committee

Purpose: To promote non-show activities and encourage involvement for NAPHA members whose chief interests lie in trail riding and other non-competitive activities.

Membership: The JOR will be made up of 4-Regional JOR volunteers and a JOR Coordinator which may be one of the regional volunteers.

Duties: To build membership in NAPHA with Peruvian Horse owners who do not participate in the show arena. To promote the image of the Peruvian Horse as a comfortable pleasure horse.

Recreational Riding Committee Chair – Jen Heintz ([email protected])
*Awards, HP Horse, parade, Exhibition, Tral and Open Show – Chelsey Schaal ([email protected])
*Versatility Award – Jody Childs ([email protected])
*Recreational Riding – Jen Heintz ([email protected])
*Trail Horse Certification Coordinator – TBD
*Committee Member at Large – Jackie Green – ([email protected])
*Peruvian Horse Promotion Awards – TBD
*Social Media – vacant

Board Liaison: Silvia Gomez-Silva

Historical Committee

Chair: Diane Quam

Board Liaison: Mike Powers

Bylaws Committee

Chair: TBD

Board Liaison: Mike Powers

Fran Todd

The following Committees have been disbanded:

Fund Raising

The Board of Directors has been handling directly:

Ethical Practice Review Board (Suspended)
Bylaws Revision & Update