NAPHA members share their photos and comments:
This picture is from a ride in Ramona. We had to back into a stream of water and then do a 90 degree turn and back down between the elevated banks. All the obstacles were fun. I got 4th which was good. I had to compete against some of the best quarter horses in the Nation and certainly in the state which have loads more experience. Submitted by Jody Childs, February 2012
I want to share with JOR the Foxglove covered hillside, behind our farm. I’m riding my mare “Valentina”. Submitted by Tina Woodworth – July 2011
Jody Childs is wearing her JOR 250 hour award jacket. Her horse is Me Llamo Altanero. Submitted by Jody Childs, June
Jody Childs on Me Llamo Altanero performing a jump at an AFTH event.
Yes, I did get selected [for the finals in America’s Favorite Trail Horse]. Wow, small world. Appreciate the update in the NAPHA website. So, at least there are two Peruvian Horses, huh….at my audition, I was in a sea of Quarter Horses.
The horse I am competing with is: HHF Nevado and he is 17 yrs old, Palomino Gelding
and has “done it all”, won tons in the show ring, every parade he was in, and most of all, tackled very possible challenging trail there is all over the state of Colorado, Utah, Arizona, and can do it all., He has given great pleasure to everyone who has ridden him…from beginners to experienced, he takes care of them all with style and grace and I look forward to sharing him with America. He is special and deserves the title for sure. And of course, hope to promote the Peruvian Horse in general as well, there are options for people who need that smooth ride, right? Submitted by Bobbi Taylor, April 2011
In 2010 Junior (Me Llamo Altanero) and I successfully completed 10 ACTHA competitive trail rides. At several of the rides I brought with me as many as nine other riders, so sometimes 10 to 20 percent of the total number of horses at the ride were Peruvians! I feel this has been a great venue for me to showcase our beloved breed.
I got to meet Tom & Carrie Scrima……they are aware of our breed and want to be inclusive. They have changed their rules and now a shank bit like a Peruvian bit can be used with two hands with no point deductions…..
Update 26-Apr-2011: My horse and I auditioned for a TV show, 1000 entrants, 100 made it. We did! For more info and to be in the know go to HIS PAGE…My Horse that is!
Update 27-Apr-2011: So ACTHA announces that they will let us know on Monday April 25 who will make it to the finals where “America’s Favorite Trail Horse” will be filmed. On their
Facebook page in the morning it was said that 100 telephone calls would be made to those moving on, and that approximately 1000 had auditioned. So all day, every time my phone rang I would have an adrenaline rush. Fast forward to 5pm in the afternoon, I am sad and trying to comprehend not being selected. I decided maybe my freestyle was too over the top. Then at 6 pm I get a call from a friend that people on Facebook are just finding out if they made it. And that the website has crashed due to so many hits! So home at 8:45 I go online, see “click here to see the results of your audition”, close my eyes, click, open my eyes…….and I see the words…”Congratulations you have been chosen” and I stare at my computer in exhausted disbelief! We made it! They must have liked us and it must have been ok to slap my horse with the raincoat after all! From: Peruvian Horse World Submitted by Jody Childs, January 2011
This is a photo of “CC” my Escandalo son. I was competing with him in the in hand trail
class at the Oregon Horseman Show. This is the gelding, 7 year old “Erica Glenn” rode and won high point Novice at the Evergreen Classic All Gaited Horse Show, under Peruvian Judge Keith Dane, Keith is cared to judge all gaited breeds except the Icelandic.
This is a photo of Erica Glenn, at

Seven year old Erica Glenn riding Peruvian Gelding “CC” at the Evergreen Classic All Gaited Horse Show
the Evergreen All Gaited /classic Horse Show. CC is my Escandalo gelding, the pair are competing in the trail class, Erica won point Novice, winning over the adults in competition. The photo is the Open Trail Class, Erica, placed 3rd. Submitted by Tina Woodworth, October 2010
Kelly Powers (black shirt) won first prize: a silver belt buckle. The belt buckle was designed by Sharon LaPierre of Red Raven Ranch. Sharon also generously sponsored the class. JOR member Charlotte Dicke Becerra (red shirt) took second place. Seven exhibitors were in the class. From the 2010 NAPHA US National Show Charismatic Western Pleasure Class
Those are just way crazy jumps! But this is such a fun little trail head in Larkspur, and there are about 60 different cross-country jumps of different shapes and sizes. It is horse Disneyland!
Really, it is so fun. But you just start slow, and small. I started with ground poles, moved
up to cross-rails and logs, and my limit is about 2 feet max, depending on the type of jump. We haven’t done many oxers or trakhaners, which really scare me! Submitted by Lisa Bialy, October 2010
Once again the Horses of Phantom Dragon Ranch, Green Mountain Ranch and Rancho Paso Fuego have come together, this time to participate with the Boulder Horse Ballet, at
the Boulder County Fair in Longmont, Colorado. This is the 7th year that Peruvians from Phantom Dragon Ranch have been involved in this event and the 3rd year for the horses from Green Mountain Ranch. Thank you Paso Fuego Ranch for joining us this year!
As always our purpose was to educate through demonstration the gait, versatility, soundness and longevity, along with the amazing “brio” that makes the amazing Peruvian Horse. We had horses ranging in age from 1 month to 23 years old!
The Boulder Horse Ballet is produced by Barbara Gardner and is an invitational freestyle horse performance with many breeds and riding styles represented. The show has been going for more than 10 years in front of a packed house.
Horses: Corazón del Dragón with BR Granada, Altivo Imprevisto, Verde Montaña Fly, Vista Del Dragón, Carbón Dale. Riders: Karla Mayne, Terri Miller, Deb Myers, Lisa Bialy, Amanda Speaker Submitted by Lisa Bialy
My gelding “CC” won 1st place and High Point Novice Trail Horse at 2009 NW Regional Peruvian Horse Show Trail Judge Lauren Carter-Risso. Submitted by Tina Woodworth
I’ve been filling up my first form with trail rides with my mare, Vista Del Dragon.
We are having so much fun! That was a wonderful ride.Seeing the Bighorn sheep was a thrill. Submitted by Lisa Bialy
The horse is JyW Legado. It’s his first year in the mountains.The picture was taken at the top of Long Ridge with Bristol Head in the background. Submitted by Alice Wolf
My friend’s kiddos, and her mom (she was taking the picture). All Peruvians…except the mini pack horse. We were well above the 10,000, but not quite at tree line. Our camp sites were covered with lush mountain grass and quite streams so the ponies ate and drank very well. Submitted by Lisa Bialy