NAPHA Junior Scholarship
1. Allow junior members of all ages participate in the Junior Scholarship Program. Juniors of all
ages can participate by showing, trail riding, and spending time with their Peruvian Horse. Over
the time span of the Junior’s membership points will be accumulated.
A. Points can be accumulated through show participation which is automatically
tracked by, the online show program for NAPHA shows.
a. At the end of each year the Junior Member prints their show hours from with their current year’s show participation and points.
This process is repeated each year until the Junior Member is eligible for the
NAPHA Scholarship Application. The scholarship committee will take into
account the age of the applicant along with the year this new qualification
was started.
B. Points can be accumulated through NAPHA Junior Horsemanship Program forms
that are available on
a. Yearly until the Junior Member is eligible for the NAPHA Scholarship, the
junior can log hours spent with their Peruvian Horse on the Horsemanship
log. The scholarship committee will take into account the age of the
applicant along with the year this new qualification was started.
C. Junior Scholarship Applications are to be postmarked by July 31.
2. As previously approved by the Board of Directors when the Scholarship applications are
submitted to the Scholarship Committee the names of the applicants will be removed and
replaced with numbers.
3. Each Scholarship Committee member will review the categories of each application and rate
each category on a scale of 0-5.
Current Categories:
Autobiographical Essay
Copy of High School Transcript
Non-School Extracurricular Activity List
School Extracurricular Activity List
Activities with Peruvian Horses
Recommendation for Teacher or Riding Instructor
New Categories:
NAPHA End of Year High Point 6-17
NAPHA Horsemanship Program Participant 6-17
Overall Deserving Recipient of Scholarship
4. The Junior Scholarship Committee recommends more publication of the Junior Scholarship
Winner, i.e. in the National Show Program, NAPHA Web Site, and recognition per the announcer
during the National Show. The Scholarship Committee believes the more recognition the
Scholarship winner receives the more inspiration younger participants will have.
5. The Scholarship Committee suggest prize sponsored by outside donor @ no expense to NAPHA
and other recognition of the scholarship recipient from outside publications through the
recommendation of the committee.
6. JUNIORS page on the NAPHA web site. Juniors’ page would consist of Scholarship Application,
Horsemanship Forms, Year End High Point Awards, Show Rules pertaining to juniors, etc.
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