There are 4 options when you arrive on the site

Here you will find each show listed by NAPHA Regions 1-4
When you click on a show, you will find each shows results. At the top is a list of the NAPHA year end awards – horses and points received at that show. Per NAPHA rules, the recorded owner of the horse must be a current 2019 NAPHA member prior to the start of a show. And the horse must be properly registered with NAPHA, in order for points to count.

There are two types of classes – one where the points are awarded to a Rider, the other where the points are awarded to the Horse.
If “0” points are listed in a Rider based class, Junior or Novice Class – the “Rider” was not a current NAPHA member prior to the show.

If “0” points are listed in a Horse based class – which most of our classes are – it can be due to:
# 1 – Recorded Owner of the Horse was not a NAPHA member at the time of the show.
# 2 – The horse was not properly registered with NAPHA:

a) the horse is not registered with NAPHA – i.e. only registered with the PHAC

b) registration of a “male” horse, 4+ was not updated to a breeding Stallion or gelding, prior to the show

c) owner transfer of said horse (from a non-member to a current member) was not completed prior to the show

d) class is a non qualifying class for NAPHA points

Here you will find a list of the NAPHA year end awards.
Choose one of the awards and a list of all NAPHA registered horses, whose owner(s) were current NAPHA members, will appear. The list is in the order of horse with the largest amount of points accumulated during the 2019 show season.
*** When you click on a horse’s name and it will pull up a list of shows and classes for specific horse, which were qualifying classes for that specific Award.

*** from this list or any other list you can move about by clicking on a horse’s name or a specific show to go to each of those reports.

This is a list of 2019 NAPHA members and the date that they paid their membership for the current year. If a person showed in a Junior or Novice class, you are able to click on their name and see what they have done in 2018 shows.

This is a list of horses in the NAPHA database. If a horse has been shown in 2019, you are able to click on that horse’s name and pull up their individual show results. As we move forward with show results for 2019, you will have to look here to see a horse’s show record for 2013 – 2018.