Peruvian Horse Sunshine Show
Florida Horse Park 11008 S Hwy 475, Ocala, FL, United StatesJudges: Dante Mazzi & Martin Hudtwalcker Contact: Silva Gomez-Silva 305-202-0653
Judges: Dante Mazzi & Martin Hudtwalcker Contact: Silva Gomez-Silva 305-202-0653
Judge: Mimi Busk-Downey Contact: Liz Potof 602-799-4913 or [email protected] for more information.
Judges: Sra. Elsa Abad de Puga - Sooner State Club
Judges: Lionel Peralta for the SCPPHC Spring Classic Show Enrique
Judges: Chris Austin Contact: Penny Clayton 425-750-0518 or [email protected] for
Judge: Jose “Pepe” Risso Montes Contact: Joline Bell 760-963-2340 or
Judge: Sr. Lionel Peralta Armstrong AgriPlex , Armstrong, BC Contact: Deb
Judges: Fiesta Del Norte - Janic Arllentar North Lights Peruvian
Judges: to be determined Contact: D. Joy Gould 951-318-7782 or
Judges: Rolando Garcia Bertoncini – breeding/gait Jose Vasquez – performance